Marny is a nationally recognized expert on the topics of networking, professional relationships, communication, personal branding and the male/female workplace dynamic.  She creates customized presentations, workshops and retreats for corporate clients, professional associations, universities and conferences.  Marny designs her programs to be relevant, insightful, practical and engaging, and gives her audiences clear steps for utilizing the information in their own careers in a meaningful way.

Download PDF of speaking topics

The Top Ten Mistakes Women Make in Networking

Many professionals know they are “supposed to” network, but few know how to apply networking in a meaningful way to their career.  As men & women tend to build and manage relationships and communicate differently, networking can be challenging – especially for professional women in male dominated industries and professions. Marny explains why and how networking can make a significant difference in their overall career success, and how they can overcome the gender gap.

In a uniquely insightful yet practical presentation, Marny helps participants to:

  • gain clarity in what networking is really all about and how it can make a measurable difference for your career and business
  • understand why networking is such an important part of your career

  • clarify how men & women build, manage and leverage professional relationships differently

  • highlight what you can learn from male colleagues & how to leverage natural strengths

  • identify common networking mistakes women make that might hold you back

  • build a networking strategy & toolkit to gain more tangible networking results

  • learn about specific skills and tools for networking more effectively and efficiently

Define Yourself!  Crafting a Powerful Personal Brand

The concept of personal brands has been a mainstay in the professional community for 15 years, but few people truly understand what personal brand are, why they are important, or how to evaluate and elevate their own brand.  Marny provides a clear guide to managing personal brands in a meaningful and impactful way, including specific steps for determining how small, simple and consistent changes can help change the way people are perceived by influencers in their careers.

In an engaging, entertaining program Marny helps participants to:

  • understand what personal brands actually are and why they are an important component of your career plan
  • learn how your personal brand is directly affecting your career
  • determine what your brand currently is and how to enhance it with small changes
  • elevate your personal appearance and communication skills
  • follow 5 steps to assess, develop and elevate your personal brand

Building Bridges: Forging Productive Professional Relationships

Interpersonal dynamics, productive professional relationships and communication are key in achieving long-term career success and satisfaction. In fact, these so-called “soft skills” are often an even bigger career factor than technical ability and experience.

In an engaging and interactive presentation, author and speaker Marny Lifshen provides an insightful and practical overview of how to build and manage productive and positive workplace relationships.

Specifically, participants will gain an understanding of:

  • how to avoid common behaviors that sabotage work relationships
  • skills for dealing with difficult colleagues & situations
  • methods for overcoming common barriers such as generation, gender, geography and personality
  • tips for reducing miscommunication
  • how to build an army of advocates internally and externally
  • steps to identify, initiate, build and leverage key professional relationships
  • how to utilize with mentors and sponsors
  • skills for elevating your relationships up as your career develops

What do you say?  Communicating across barriers, around conflict and over clutter

Many challenges in professional relationships are simply due to breakdowns in communication.  While our technical capabilities and skills enable us to do our jobs well, our ability to work well with our colleagues often ultimately makes or breaks our careers.  Focused and effective communication skills and strategies help us get our ideas and opinions across, understand expectations, decrease misunderstandings, and build trust with our coworkers.

In an interactive and insightful presentation,  Marny will enable participants to:

  • Understand the role communication plays in professional relationships
  • Explore the three dimensions of communication
  • Discuss the pros and cons of communication tools
  • Develop simple, effective techniques for reducing miscommunications
  • Enhance your communication strengths, downplay your weaknesses, and build your likability
  • Learn the power of perception and adaption
  • Understand how to handle difficult people, conversations & situations
  • Differentiate yourself through communication

Work it Out! Demystifying the Male/Female Workplace Dynamic

It hardly comes as a surprise that men and women often clash in their professional roles.  Our different styles, priorities and experiences definitely affect the way we work together.  Fortunately, many challenges between male and female colleagues can be successfully overcome by gaining insight and understanding into our different ways of communicating and working, and by developing specific skills and strategies for adapting to these differences.  This presentation will certainly increase your productivity and efficiency, and decrease your stress and frustration.

In her engaging, interactive & practical presentation, Marny will help attendees to:

  • understand the different ways men & women build & manage relationships
  • adjust communication style for the audience/situation
  • recognize common misperceptions and assumptions
  • leverage innate strengths & learning from each other
  • develop skills to manage challenging professional relationships and situations

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